Sunday, February 5, 2017

15 Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To.

Some say long distance relationships are amazing, some say they are super hard to maintain. Some even think that why would anyone want to be in a long distance relationship because it’s sad. But the truth is no one can really judge long distance relationships unless they are in it. Only those couples who are in a long distance relationship can understand the joy or the troubles of being in one.  

1. Want To Talk Dirty? Learn From Yoda

While you don’t get the real action, you become a pro at sexting or dirty talking. In short, you are a go-to-person for your friends, when it comes to sexting. Be it through text or Skype chat or phone sex, you might not admit it but you have done it all.  

2. Most Of Your Conversation Revolves Around Discussing The Future

You can’t deny the fact that half of your time goes in discussing about the future of your relationship. Whether things will work out, or you are committing any mistake that you will regret later. Although this doubt about your future annoys you, it also helps in building a strong relationship.
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images

3. You Guys Are A Pro When It Comes To Planning

Planning? Ahh that’s child’s play for you now! Thanks to planning for all the trips, meetings or even coming online, all these have made you a great organizer who knows how to prioritize things. In fact, if your partner or you are settled abroad, no one knows about time zones better than you.

4. Your Gadgets Become Your Girlfriend

Well not literally though! People in a long distance relationship know that no matter how long the conversation lasts, it’s never enough. You start spending most of your time either with your phone or laptop. Be honest, do your friends complain about you not replying to them even though you are online? We know the struggle’s real.
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images

5. You Get Easily Jealous And Possessive About Your Partner 

We often come across people who feel that there is minimal or no place for jealousy in a long distance relationship. You know what, they are wrong! In fact, in a long distance relationship, your partner can get easily doubtful about you and it takes a lot of efforts to ward off that feeling.  

6. But You Really Become Good At Trusting People

We know we just spoke about your partner doubting you! But after all the fights and arguments, the trust developed between you two is unbreakable. Once that kind of trust is established, no one or nothing can come in between. 
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images

7. Festivals Are Far From Just A Celebration, They Are True Test Of Priority

Whenever a festival is around the corner, the first thing that comes to your mind is to celebrate it with your partner. But you know that your parents too wish to spend the time with you. Now the struggle is you want to be present at both the places but just don’t know how.  

8. Your Friends Somehow Forget That You Are Not Single

How many times have your friends questioned your singlehood? They somehow forget that you have a girlfriend and would sometimes even try to hook you up with some other girl.
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Twitter

9. You Know How To Get The Best Deals While Travelling

Now that you have travelled so much, you actually know all the places where you can find the best deals, be it offline or online. In fact, it won’t be surprising if tomorrow you log in to a travel site and they reply back to you saying, “Oh! It’s you again. Here is your travel schedule, go and enjoy!”     

10. You Become Super Efficient At Managing Finances

Half of the time you will face a money crunch but you also know how to manage it efficiently. In fact, when it comes to phone and internet bills, you actually know what plan works better for you and how to get the most from it. 
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images

11. Your Friends’ Relationship Problems Are Nowhere Close To Yours

When your friends discuss their relationship problems with you, you smile softly thinking about yours which are deadlier than theirs. But solving your problems or even thinking about them gives you a headache.  

12. ‘He Is A Born Traveller…’ They Must Be Talking About You

Be it meeting midway, going to her city or going to the city where her parents live; you have done it all. In fact, you have visited the places so many times that you might start thinking of starting a side business of being a tour guide. 
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images

13. You Are Always Tired And Sleep Deprived

You have an important meeting tomorrow at 10 AM and you need to be prepared and feel fresh for the same. You look at the clock and its 5 AM already. Thanks to the late night calls and video chats, you are always sleepy and tired. And people crib about Monday blues!

14. Whenever You Meet Them, Emotional Outbursts Are Bound To Happen

No matter how strong you are, whenever you see them you just can’t control your emotions. While some might argue that it’s not the case, but the tears of joy definitely run down your face the moment you see them. And why not! After all your life turns awesome when you two meet.
Things Only People In A Long Distance Relationship Can Relate To© Shutterstock

15. Goodbyes Are Painful

While the meetings are great and the hellos are awesome, but as the days pass by, you start feeling bad. Goodbyes are the most painful aspect of your meetings because you don’t want to let go of them. However, you bid them adieu as you know that you will plan a meeting again soon.